Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A small treat for 2010

They say it’s never too late to do something good. So here’s to a rocking 2010!

If Mayan mythology got it right, you have less than 700 days to pursue whatever you want, and apparently, according to I-Ching experts, it’s true. For the uninitiated, I-Ching is the ancient Chinese Book of Changes that makes predictions using some “complex” mechanism involving the tossing of 6 coins and drawing of lines. I don’t know about the Mayans, but the Chinese - never to be taken for granted. In my opinion, even the apocalypse could be brought forward by any one of us. All it takes is to piss off a couple of people.

So any way, no matter what, I hope you will relentlessly pursue all your wishes. 21 days ago I wished to quit smoking. It’s working so far, and in the process I have turned myself in to a lab rat. I am trying to assess the powers of communication, over me. Back in 2006, I quit smoking and after nearly six months, I had a couple of puffs because I was so confident that I will not get hooked on it again. But I was so wrong. Soon, I was buying cigarettes again. So now, knowing what went wrong then, I adopted a different strategy. I left one cigarette in the pack and kept it in plain sight and within arms reach. If I want one, it’s right there, waiting to be consumed, and to consume me in turn. My “friends” warned me to “throw it away” – but I am determined to teach myself the strength to resist temptation. First, I thought of giving away my smoking apparatus to someone. But then I felt that it was not right and while pondering over it, an idea hit me – what if I convert a small part of my place in to a mini museum for my smoking memorabilia - the rollers, pipes, tobacco packs, Rizla papers, lighters, and of course, the Marlboro pack with the one remaining cigarette? Would it just stay a part of my past forever – while motivating me to stay off it? I don’t really know – that’s what I like about tests. Anyway, I will keep you posted on this experiment.

I have a back up plan. If this whole thing fails, I am planning to make the apocalypse happen by simply tossing a Chinese coin to decide who to piss off.

Now, this is far from a treat, you would say. Yes I agree. As a result of our chaotic schedule and the incredible distances between destinations, my partner & I put some of the best hospitality brands to the test and so, I have planned a few posts based on our experiences in India. Some brands failed, simply because they were trying to delight customers. Now that ain’t right, yeah? Yes, it can happen. Await more details.

And till then, I hope you will enjoy these colorful pictures of India. http://www.flickr.com/photos/pawtrails/sets/72157623280561268/

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