Friday, November 27, 2009

Conducting Online Research

If ever you are tasked with conducting research in a jiffy, here's a useful link. Log on to

It is as easy as signing up for a free account and starting your research, using their templates. Once you are done, forward the url to your network of friends. They, in turn, could forward the url to their networks, getting you the maximum number of respondents.

Free accounts enable basic analyses, while, naturally, advanced packages allow more complex analyses.

What's really good about this service is that, to some extent, it eliminates data duplication by respondents.You can also check out.
you tube for a few good videos on using Zoomerang



  1. I am aware of Zomerang but had not thought of looking at YouTube for advice on how to use. Good one. Thank you.

  2. Zoomerang also has a blog with lots of advice on how to use it

  3. Recently used SurveyMonkey as a free user. Found it limiting. Will try Zoomerang next. Thank you.
