Tuesday, October 8, 2013

We make our happiness beyond our own reach

Today, I asked a few people how happy they were on a scale of 1-10. One person said she was a 7 because she had bought a pair of earrings. So I asked her what it would have been, had she not bought them. She said “I wouldn't be so happy then”. Another said “I am not very happy because if I am very happy, the chances are I will be unhappy soon” A few more people gave somewhat similar answers. It was obvious that these people felt that they aren't in control of their own happiness. They sought for their happiness in the external; other people and things such as another new gadget, a new friend, further education, more money, blah blah blah..none of which will ever bring them the lasting happiness they yearn for.Happiness is beyond our reach simply because of one insight; we look for it in all the wrong places.

Reaching outside ourselves for our happiness is akin to chasing a mirage in the middle of nowhere. No matter how close you get, you will never truly experience it. Eventually, you die feeling unhappy and unfulfilled. We have given the remote control to our happiness, to others, without relying on ourselves for our own happiness, while overwhelming evidence suggests that “Happiness is an inside job”. It is illogical to place such a central concept to our existence, in the hands of others, because nobody else can relate to you perfectly, each and every time. Making ourselves happy should be our own number one priority that isn't worth giving up for any reason. It’s your birthright to be happy every single moment of every single day, day after day. I am going to wrap up this short post with a couple of questions which I hope you spend a few moments pondering over; - How happy are you right now? Why do you feel the way you do? 

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